Common Insights Features

Most of Productivity! Insights share the following approaches.

Context Switching

During invocation, any context dependent Insight analyses context structure and selects the target for modification: the deepest class or method found for the cursor position. The Context label shows the full-qualified name of this class or method. If there are several classes or methods found in the context path you can choose a different class as a target. Use Switch Context up to and Switch Context down to buttons or keyboard shortcuts Alt+Up or Alt+Down, respectively, to select a class or methods as the target; the Context label will reflect the changes. This functionality is useful when cursor is placed within an inner class while you need to execute appropriate actions to the outer one.

Help Support

To view help press the appropriate key mapped to the help action in the current keymap (typically, this is F1). If an Insight shows the list of members and there is a member (either class, method or field) selected in the list, the Help Viewer will show the appropriate documentation page for this member (if any). If the members list is empty or there is no member selected, the help on the Insight will be shown. You can use the Help button in the Navigation Pane to invoke help on the Insight directly.

Help.Insight is an alternative way of getting help on a selected member. To allow Help.Insight invocation when using the Insight you should turn on the Editor Options | Productivity! | Usage |  Integrate Help.Insight with Productivity! Insights checkbox. With this option turned on, just select a member and wait until Help.Insight popup will show the appropriate JavaDoc help page (if any). You can also force Help.Insight invocation using the shortcut Shift+F1 (CUA). You can specify Help.Insight invocation delay using the Editor Options | Productivity! | Delays | Help.Insight Invocation Delay slider.