
Interface Summary
LicensingFacadeDelegate This interface provides methods required to extend the LocalLicensingFacade functionality.
LicensingFacadeDelivery This interface describes methods intended to deliver licenses to the users
LicensingFacadeExtension This interface provides methods required to extend the LocalLicensingFacade functionality.
LicensingFacadePlugin This class represents mark-up interface intended to identify the LicensingFacade plug-ins
LicensingFacadePluginFactory This class intended to create plug-ins for the LocalLicensingFacade

Class Summary
EmailLicensingFacadeDelivery E-mail implementation of the LicensingFacadeDelivery interface that delivers specified license by sending it as an e-mail message attachment
LicensingFacadeConfig This class provides necessary properties required to properly configure the LicensingFacade instances
LicensingFacadeExtensionSupport This class provides basic implementation of the LicensingFacadeExtension interface that can be used to build actual implementations
LicensingFacadeSession Represents simple session concept that holds license generation and activation permissions acquired during authentication and authorization process.
LocalLicensingFacade Default implementation of the LicensingFacade that works with product storage specified as the local file or input stream.
LocalLicensingFacade.Provider LicensingFacadeProvider implementation aware of LocalLicensingFacade instances providing
OnlineLicensingFacadeDelivery Online implementation of the LicensingFacadeDelivery interface.
TemplateUtil Utility class that allows expanding of the templates by replacing macros in the template's text by the actual values