Productivity! Smart.Braces Options (Editor Options Dialog Box)

You can customize Smart.Braces tool using the Editor Options dialog box.

See also: Productivity! General Property Page

As soon as Productivity! is installed, additional node appears in the Editor Options tree view (the Editor Options | Editor property page).

This node contains the Smart.Braces customization options. You may fully customize all the features of Smart.Braces to satisfy your needs and goals.

The following options are available:

Complete curly brace

Allows you to specify whether Smart.Braces should complete curly brace ({ );

Complete curly brace and indent

Allows you to specify whether Smart.Braces should complete the curly brace ({ ) and make the indent in accordance with the currently set size;

Complete brace

Allows you to specify whether Smart.Braces should complete brace (( );

Complete square brace

Allows you to specify whether Smart.Braces should complete brace ([ );

Complete Strings

Allows you to specify whether Smart.Braces should complete string constants (" );

Complete characters

Allows you to specify whether Smart.Braces should complete character constants (' );

Use ALT key to override current options

With this option enabled, the current options can be overridden provided the ALT key is pressed when typing. For example, if Complete curly brace option is enabled, pressing { with the ALT key will only insert the opening curly brace without the corresponding closing one.

NOTE: If a non-standard JBuilder keymap is used (such as Vi/VIM), the Smart.Braces may conflict with the keymap settings. Apparently, for keymap VI the ' and " symbols may be overridden by Smart.Braces. It is justified by the features of the vi implementation (improper implementation of the Keymap default action).
However the part of Smart.Braces functionality that causes the conflict can be disabled. To do this, you should add the following lines into your JBuilder.config file (placed in JBuilder/bin directory):

vmparam -DProductivity.Smart.Braces.CompleteCharacters=no
vmparam -DProductivity.Smart.Braces.CompleteStrings=no

See also: Productivity! General Property Page