Smart.Braces.Highlight - Pro!
The Smart.Braces.Highlight tool offers matching braces highlight and navigation operations.
Smart.Braces.Highlight with Matching Brace Code Popup |
The major features of Smart.Braces.Highlight are:
- Ability to find and highlight matching brace when the caret is placed at any side of a brace;
- Ability to navigate to the matching brace using only one shortcut Ctrl+\ (CUA) for opening and closing ones;
- Ability to view matching brace code when it's has been scrolled out of view. The special popup window shows the open brace code in the top and close brace code in the bottom of the editor correspondingly. Please note that the close brace code can be shown for try/catch/final and do/while statements only;
- Ability to show matching braces scope on the Gutter.
Options Dependency
The Smart.Braces.Highlight behavior can be controlled using the Editor Options | Productivity! | Tools property page.
The foreground and background color for Smart.Braces.Highlight and path can be customized
using the Braces Highlight and Braces Highlight Path
screen elements respectively from Editor Options | Color property page.
See also:
Productivity! Tools ,
Customizing Productivity!