
Imports.Beautify is intended to arrange import statements into a clear and easy-readable form. It allows consolidating, alphabetical sorting and optional grouping of all import statements in the current Java file.

Press Ctrl+Alt+B (CUA) to invoke it. In the following shots you can see imports before and after Imports.Beautify invocation.

Import statements before Import.Beautify
Import statements before Import.Beautify
Import statements after Import.Beautify
Import statements after Import.Beautify

Options Dependency

Imports.Beautify optionally allows grouping imports by specified root packages so you can group your imports exactly as you want. To maintain grouping behavior you can use the Imports.Beautify option on the Project Properties |Productivity! | General and Import Statements Generation option the Editor Options |Productivity! | General property pages.

See also: Productivity! Tools, Customizing Productivity!